Click on this link and drag it to the desktop when it’d done loading.
We’ll practice spot healing, cloning, selecting, and adjustment layers.
Click on this link and drag it to the desktop when it’d done loading.
We’ll practice spot healing, cloning, selecting, and adjustment layers.
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p. 223 in the book! Save these photos to your computer and give it a try. (the toughest part is getting the photos to line up)
p. 231.. tricky selections
Tricky #1 (I don’t like the one in the book.. it’s too tricky)
Tricky #2 (use this for the background)
Andy will show you a way to fix the sky in this one…. or you can try using the book.
Dull Sky #2 (only need this if you try the book method)
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This is one of the more advanced concepts in Photoshop. Don’t try to memorize everything in this video but get an idea of what is possible! We’ll practice in class!
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Dodging = lighting, burning = darkening. There are a lot of different ways to do this in Photoshop, but here is one. And it doesn’t have to be on people. You can selectively lighten or darken any type of photo. You can also do it easily in Camera RAW with the adjustment brush.
(Might want to turn your volume down for the loud music in the beginning)
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I know we don’t have these plugins but it might be worth watching how Scott Kelby does his HDR. He has a couple moves he does in Camera RAW and Photoshop that we can do.
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6 black and white shots
3 Vintage
2 Instagram (this one is a little tricky… Andy will demo)
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